The most

The most

The most

The most

Restaking Network

Restaking Network

Restaking Network

Restaking Network

LRT Vaults are Live


Nektar is a multilayered restaking network implementing a comprehensive incentives system for its participants


Powered by distributed validator technology


Opt-in modules allow acting as an AVS, Restaker, Operator, Distributor, etc.


AVSs set custom slashing and rewards parameters

The Network

Nektar has four layers that extend cryptoeconomic security of the Ethereum network to additional applications

Trusted by

the Community

“Nektar has the potential to offer great benefits for both restakers and operators”

“Distributed Validator Technology makes Nektar an attractive alternative to other restaking protocols”


Nektar brings together various network participants to repurpose staked ETH for securing other networks

Decentralized AI

Decentralized AI

Decentralized AI




Modular Chains

Modular Chains

Modular Chains

Actively Validated Services

AVSs can share the security of Ethereum without having to bootstrap their validator network

Do you need programmable trust in your distributed system?

Do you need programmable trust in your distributed system?

Marketplace for

Decentralized Trust

Modularization and delegation of the consensus security

Leveraging the same guarantees of Ethereum

Leveraging the same guarantees of Ethereum

Decentralized trust between an AVS and a dapp